Well some rain, wind, and crappy weather forced me to delay my Cape May camping trip to a further date (yet to be determined). So, I spent my Sunday/Monday/Tuesday birding in the backyard and at Donio Park and Penbryn Pond.
Sunday consisted of a few afternoon hours on the back porch overlooking the garden...and it was surprisingly fantastic! First off, 3 Ruby Throated Hummingbirds were busy all day feeding in the garden and on a new feeder I got. They are still present today.
The more exciting show though, was the steady stream of warbler surprises in the confines of the garden....the first being a very dull Cape May Warbler that I flushed from the garden, and then spent a good 15 minutes in the red cedars, where a Magnolia Warbler was also foraging. A Northern Parula, 3 Common Yellowthroats, 4 American Redstarts, a Chestnut Sided Warbler, and a Black and White Warbler also made appearances. And a blue tailed, brown-bodied Indigo Bunting spent about an hour in the backyard.
Found a Ruby Crowned Kinglet on Monday in the backyard. A sure sign of Autumn arriving!
Donio Park has been a hotspot. I visited Monday and Wednesday and in just 2 40 minute walks saw:
2 Blackburnian Warblers
1 Tennessee Warbler
4 Northern Parula
1 Black Throated Green Warbler
1 Pine Warbler
1 American Redstart
1 (adult) Bald Eagle
1 Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 G Yellowlegs, 8 L Yellowlegs, Semi Sandpipers
Rough Winged Swallows (plenty)
2 Green Winged Teal
Though the numbers aren't as impressive locally compared to in Cape May or other migrant traps, I certainly get more satisfaction out of finding stuff locally!