Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yard Birds!!! Lotsssssss

The last 45 days in the yard have brought many birds, 76 species...The above Scarlet Tanager was a weekly visitor for about a month...always in the same spot in the cherry tree. 
This bird has also been a regular visitor....unfortunately this one wouldn't sit still and got 'on the wing' before I could snap it...though this flight photo serves as a good photo quiz! Guesses?
Kinglets have been plentiful in October...Golden Crowned dominating the numbers, though this Ruby Crowned spent alot of time picking bugs from around the garden, and specifically took a liking to this Sedum 'Autumn Fire'.
This particular photo shows the birds that have specifically destroyed my wallet in the last week :) Well not really...but feed is going at a pound a day :) 4 birds in this photo...all different species...all something in common...Quiz.....GO!
This beauty (Purple Finch) is one of 3 Purple Finches that have been visiting the feeders for nearly a month...I did have a total of 5 Purple Finches yesterday, my high for one day...
Nuthatches have been a plenty, both varieties...this RB had a particular fascination with my pond...frequenting this specific spot several times yesterday...
Quiz pic #3....a bird that spent about an hour bouncing through the garden feasting on bugs, maybe a few seeds as well...

Last but not least, the Yeichs are no longer the only family member to have a Selasphorus (Rufous/Allen's) Hummingbird in their yard :) This bird has been here for 5 days now....still a mystery on exact species but I am THRILLED! Most of our sightings have been in this spot, sitting on a bare branch of my Milkweed, regularly feeding on the annual Salvia and perennial Physostegia that surround it....I will keep all posted on this bird!

Other YARD BIRD highlights not pictured....several Tennessee Warblers, Cape May and Canada Warbler, a Blue Headed Vireo, up to 33 Pine Siskins at once, Red Shouldered Hawk, Broad Winged Hawk, Kestrels...

Please send your quiz answers to my e-mail :) 

Hope all your yards are filled with Siskins eating your thistle for 12 hours per day! 
