Saturday, December 3, 2011

South Carolina Winter Walk

This morning I joined a group for a birdwalk at Santee NWR in South Carolina. It was a typical SC the early morning needing to scrape some frost off of the car, later shedding layers until a t-shirt is comfy.

Highlights were 10 huge American White Pelicans flying over our group. Apparently this was the first time more than one had been seen on the refuge! I also enjoyed seeing 50+ American Pipits at pretty close range, allowing good views of this less-than-spectacular bird. 2 blue phase Snow Geese were unusual (especially since there weren't any of the typical white ones). Rounding out my favorites were 6 Sandhill Cranes, 5 Fox Sparrows, and a couple of Loggerhead Shrikes!  59 species in all