Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Unusual Owl Sighting

This morning the alarm was beeping at 6:00am. I gave the snooze button a rude slap and nestled down for what I thought would be five minutes. Instead, I slipped back into dreamland where the following scene took place:

I was standing in the bedroom at my parents’ house where I grew up, peering out the window overlooking our neighbors open front lawn. I saw an object spiraling down out of the sky towards the grass. It was apparent that it was a large bird, but its flight indicated it could be injured. While watching this object plunge, I witnessed another healthy owl fly down and snatch the other owl out of the air. This rescuer owl then landed in my parents’ backyard. This should have been my first clue that this owl was something special.

Zzzz….break in dream where I don’t remember what happened.

The next thing I knew the owl was in my parents’ living room. It stood about 18 inches tall, but it quickly became apparent this was not your average wise old owl. As I edged into the living room, the owl began igniting the fuses of multiple pyrotechnics around him….primarily sparklers. I’m not quite sure whether that set him off to dancing in the middle of them or what. I just remember being struck at how clever this guy was.
I don’t think there is any moral to this story. Just a strange dream. And an unusual, pyrotechnic-loving owl.

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