Saturday, January 22, 2011

Florida Reptiles

I recently returned from eleven days in the Sunshine State. Needless to say it was a great time. I could post hundreds of pictures (and will post more), but I wanted to begin with something a bit out of the ordinary for me: reptiles.
During my trip, Lisa and I of course happened upon probably a hundred of these guys. We kayaked among alligators , heard them bellow, and enjoyed watching them hunt a bit.

Much more surprising than the crocs, however were two snakes we happened upon. The first one surprised us while we were hiking on a trail. I had been looking down at some Brown Anole lizards, was about to take a step forward when this guy really scared me --I was about to put my foot down pretty close to his head. I'd like to know what species you think he is. I have my guess:

The second snake sighting happened about an hour later. You might recognize this one by the rattle on the end of his tail! This was less of a scare, as we were in the car and it was crossing the road. I got some decent shots of him as well as a video (e-mail me if you want it)!


  1. AWESOME post! and great finds! Yes, I'd like the video! First one looks like a Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin)!

  2. And the second, a Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the largest venomous snake in the country. Also, much more poisonous than our NJ Timber Rattlesnake.

  3. Nice to see photos -- don't think that I'd want to see them in person.
